CoordinateSystem.BuildCoordinateSystem Method



Uses the specified input arguments to set the origin and attitude matrix information for the custom Coordinate System.


Timing Precision Mode

This page describes functionality in millisecond timing precision mode. Millisecond timing precision mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. We recommend that you migrate your Mission Plans to nanosecond timing precision mode.

Click here to see the documentation for this object in nanosecond timing precision mode.


Overload List


Return Value


CoordinateSystem.BuildCoordinateSystem(CelestialObject celestialObject)


Uses the specified CelestialObject's Body Fixed Frame to define a custom Coordinate System.

CoordinateSystem.BuildCoordinateSystem(CoordinateSystem coordinateSystem)


Defines a new CoordinateSystem object by chaining together multiple other CoordinateSystem objects.

CoordinateSystem.BuildCoordinateSystem(Sensor sensor)


Uses the specified Sensor's Body Fixed Frame to define a custom Coordinate System.

CoordinateSystem.BuildCoordinateSystem(Vehicle vehicle)


Uses the specified Vehicle's Body Coordinate System to define a custom Coordinate System.

CoordinateSystem.BuildCoordinateSystem(CelestialObject celestialObject, Vector vectorPosition)


Uses the specified CelestialObject's Body Fixed Frame to define a custom Coordinate System, using vectorPosition to specify the offset of the origin of the Coordinate System.

CoordinateSystem.BuildCoordinateSystem(Sensor sensor, Vector vectorPosition)


Uses the specified Sensor's Body Fixed Frame to define a custom Coordinate System, using vectorPosition to specify the offset of the origin of the Coordinate System.

CoordinateSystem.BuildCoordinateSystem(Vehicle vehicle, Vector vectorPosition)


Uses the specified Vehicle's Body Coordinate System to define a custom Coordinate System, using vectorPosition to specify the offset of the origin of the Coordinate System.

CoordinateSystem.BuildCoordinateSystem(Variable vector1Axis, Vector vector1, Variable vector2Axis, Vector vector2)


Uses the specified Vectors vector1 and vector2 and Variables vector1Axis and vector2Axis to build a custom Coordinate System.


vector1Axis specifies which axis of the coordinate system (X, Y, or Z) will be defined by vector1. vector1 will always be colinear with the axis specified by the vector1Axis property. The next axis is computed using the cross product of the two vectors. A third vector is computed using the cross product of the first two axes, and vector2Axis specifies which axis of the new coordinate system (X, Y, or Z) will be defined by this new vector. If vector1 and vector2 are orthogonal, then vector2 will be colinear with the axis specified by the vector2Axis property.


Example 1: CoordinateSystem1.BuildCoordinateSystem(1, EastVector, 3, ZenithVector);


The X-axis of the new coordinate system is defined by EastVector. The Y-axis is defined by Y = CrossProduct(ZenithVector, EastVector). The Z-axis is defined by Z = CrossProduct(EastVector, Y). In this configuration, the Y-axis points roughly in the ForwardVector direction and the Z-axis points roughly in the ZenithVector direction. Note that Z does not necessarily equal ZenithVector, unless ZenithVector is orthogonal to EastVector.


Example 2: CoordinateSystem1.BuildCoordinateSystem(2, ForwardVector, 1, EastVector);


The Y-axis of the new coordinate system is defined by ForwardVector. The Z-axis is defined by Z = CrossProduct(EastVector, ForwardVector). The X-axis is defined by X = CrossProduct(ForwardVector, Z). In this configuration, the Z-axis points roughly in the ZenithVector direction and the X-axis points roughly in the EastVector direction. Note that X does not necessarily equal EastVector, unless EastVector is orthogonal to ForwardVector.


Example 3: CoordinateSystem1.BuildCoordinateSystem(3, ZenithVector, 1, EastVector);


The Z-axis of the new coordinate system is defined by ZenithVector. The Y-axis is defined by Y = CrossProduct(ZenithVector, EastVector). The X-axis is defined by X = CrossProduct(Y, ZenithVector). In this configuration, the Y-axis points roughly in the ForwardVector direction and the X-axis points roughly in the EastVector direction. Note that X does not necessarily equal EastVector, unless EastVector is orthogonal to ZenithVector.

CoordinateSystem.BuildCoordinateSystem(Variable vector1Axis, Vector vector1, Variable vector2Axis, Vector vector2, Vector vectorPosition)


Uses the specified Vectors vector1 and vector2 and Variables vector1Axis and vector2Axis to build a custom Coordinate System, using vectorPosition to specify the offset of the origin of the Coordinate System.


vector1Axis specifies which axis of the coordinate system (X, Y, or Z) will be defined by vector1. vector1 will always be colinear with the axis specified by the vector1Axis property. The next axis is computed using the cross product of the two vectors. A third vector is computed using the cross product of the first two axes, and vector2Axis specifies which axis of the new coordinate system (X, Y, or Z) will be defined by this new vector. If vector1 and vector2 are orthogonal, then vector2 will be colinear with the axis specified by the vector2Axis property.


Example 1: CoordinateSystem1.BuildCoordinateSystem(1, EastVector, 3, ZenithVector, PositionVector);


The X-axis of the new coordinate system is defined by EastVector. The Y-axis is defined by Y = CrossProduct(ZenithVector, EastVector). The Z-axis is defined by Z = CrossProduct(EastVector, Y). In this configuration, the Y-axis points roughly in the ForwardVector direction and the Z-axis points roughly in the ZenithVector direction. Note that Z does not necessarily equal ZenithVector, unless ZenithVector is orthogonal to EastVector. The offset of the origin of the coordinate system is specified by PositionVector.


Example 2: CoordinateSystem1.BuildCoordinateSystem(2, ForwardVector, 1, EastVector, PositionVector);


The Y-axis of the new coordinate system is defined by ForwardVector. The Z-axis is defined by Z = CrossProduct(EastVector, ForwardVector). The X-axis is defined by X = CrossProduct(ForwardVector, Z). In this configuration, the Z-axis points roughly in the ZenithVector direction and the X-axis points roughly in the EastVector direction. Note that X does not necessarily equal EastVector, unless EastVector is orthogonal to ForwardVector. The offset of the origin of the coordinate system is specified by PositionVector.


Example 3: CoordinateSystem1.BuildCoordinateSystem(3, ZenithVector, 1, EastVector, PositionVector);


The Z-axis of the new coordinate system is defined by ZenithVector. The Y-axis is defined by Y = CrossProduct(ZenithVector, EastVector). The X-axis is defined by X = CrossProduct(Y, ZenithVector). In this configuration, the Y-axis points roughly in the ForwardVector direction and the X-axis points roughly in the EastVector direction. Note that X does not necessarily equal EastVector, unless EastVector is orthogonal to ZenithVector. The offset of the origin of the coordinate system is specified by PositionVector.



See also

CoordinateSystem Object

Vectors and Coordinate Systems Guide

Orbit Reference Frames Guide

Attitude Reference Frames Guide

Matrix, Array, and Variable Math Guide