Release Notes for FreeFlyer 7.5.1

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Issues Addressed in FreeFlyer 7.5.1

Behavior Improvements

Standardized the behavior of Euler angle rotations by constraining the second Euler angle to a range of -90° to 90°

oFor the full documentation and reference for this standardization, see the Euler Angles section of the Attitude Systems guide

oThis behavior change undoes a change made in FreeFlyer 7.5 due to a core library update in attitude calculations

Added the ability for an RFLink object to consider a Sensor object attached to a GroundVehicle object for purposes of link budget analysis

Stepping a Spacecraft to a condition defined by its apoapsis and periapsis will now more reliably achieve the target condition

The Moon's default flattening coefficient has been changed to 0 from 1e-8 to line up with the standardized JPL SSD lunar constants and model


Error Cases


Fixed the network license borrow behavior to work correctly in all cases and always display valid text in the GUI


Integrated Development Environment

Fixed a debugger issue where FreeFlyer would lock up when breaking into the debugger while inside of an infinite loop

Fixed deprecation warning behavior to correctly show by default in nanosecond timing precision mode

Fixed a crash that would occur when loading an invalid user profile into user preferences

Fixed rare instances where auto-completion logic wouldn't pop-up correctly for certain object properties and methods

Fixed the Matrix.Identity static method to correctly set resulting column count of the output Matrix

Fixed a display issue where the process ID was showing up in the main FreeFlyer window title

Fixed a crash that could occur with certain ASCII characters being used in text on Korean Windows systems


Spacecraft Propagation

Fixed the CCSDS OEM ephemeris format to not incorrectly throw an interpolation warning when interpolation was not actually needed

Fixed a number mismatch between Spacecraft.PerigeeHeight and Spacecraft.Height when at the perigee and using a TwoBody propagator


Generating Output

Fixed an unexpected error case in ViewWindow visualization when a GroundStation was present in a view but a Spacecraft wasn't

Fixed issues with exporting or saving PlotWindow data where the full time stamp of an epoch would not be written on the X-axis of the exported data

Fixed an issue where users could completely remove data from a DataTableWindow via the cut shortcut

Fixed a bug in certain Intel drivers that could cause large texture files to render entirely black


Coverage and Contact Analysis

Fixed the LookAngleFrame.CalculateVectorFromAngles method to now properly consider the LookAngleMode for all available options

Fixed a Spacecraft.ContactTimes failure giving incorrect results when the two involved Spacecraft in the analysis had different central bodies

Fixed an issue in VisibilitySegment objects that would sometimes cause CelestialObject blockage of a Sensor to not be considered correctly

Fixed a bug in Restore and Get command behavior where they would not correctly clear Terrain data files that had previously been added

Fixed the RFLink object to correctly calculate an azimuth value when the Sensor is the receiver reference object

Fixed the error message given when an unrealistically large epoch was used in TimeSpan conversions

Fixed a crash that could occur when opening a GroundStation object dialog immediately after opening a GroundVehicle object dialog

Fixed a crash when setting the azimuth of all GroundStation mask points to 0


Maneuvering and Targeting

Fixed the TankMass property on assorted Tank objects to correctly maintain its value following the simulation of tracking data

Fixed ImpulsiveBurn maneuver reports to have a sane number of white spaces between negative signs and corresponding numbers


Orbit Determination

Fixed the CalculateCovariance method overloads taking a Formation on CovarianceUtilities to avoid unnecessary conversions that would degrade accuracy

Fixed a DSN 60-byte data file read error where the wrong frequency could rarely be used, which would back out incorrect DSN data

Fixed unit mapping in the Spacecraft Receiver object dialog so that unit conversions would be applied correctly


Interfacing with External Resources

Fixed a read error in the FileInterface object when reading past the end of a file that could give invalid character data

Fixed a problem with a ReportInterface object that would prepend multiple new lines to the beginning of a file when it was reused in a Mission Plan

Fixed Struct behavior to prevent a crash if you attempted to load a JSON-formatted String into a Struct whose fields did not match the JSON data

Fixed the runtime API hanging in Linux environments when a required Procedure file was in a directory without execute permissions



Consolidated the Java runtime API sample applications to use only a single set of sample Mission Plans and save on space



See Also

Release History