The size of an address in FreeFlyer's memory space in bits.
Type: Variable
Access: Read-Only
Gets or sets the fully qualified path of the current working directory.
Type: String
Access: Read/Write
The name of the object as declared.
Type: String
Access: Read-Only
The name displayed for this object in output windows such as views, plots, and reports.
Type: String
Access: Read/Write
The Build number of the full version number of the FreeFlyer application.
Type: Variable
Access: Read-Only
Integer representing the execution context of FreeFlyer.
Type: Variable
Access: Read-Only
Filename of the executing FreeFlyer.exe or ff.exe executable.
Type: String
Access: Read-Only
Fully qualified path of the executing FreeFlyer.exe or ff.exe executable. Includes trailing \.
Type: String
Access: Read-Only
The Major, Minor, Release, and Build numbers of the FreeFlyer application.
Type: String
Access: Read-Only
The Major version number of the FreeFlyer application.
Type: Variable
Access: Read-Only
The Minor version number of the FreeFlyer application.
Type: Variable
Access: Read-Only
The Release number of the full version number of the FreeFlyer application.
Type: Variable
Access: Read-Only
The Major and Minor release numbers of the FreeFlyer application.
Type: String
Access: Read-Only
Returns true if the current instance has output window support.
Type: Variable
Access: Read-Only
Controls whether the start and end of propagation are reported as interval method events if an event is ongoing at the start or end of propagation. When using the String version of Interval Methods, this setting affects the reporting at the start and end of propagation. When using the Array version of the Interval Methods, this setting only affects reporting at the start of propagation.
Type: Variable
Access: Read/Write
Minimum Interval Event duration detected by the Heuristic Guess Method. Events of smaller duration may still be reported when states evaluated conveniently fall within the event in question. The default value is 10.0 seconds. Note: smaller values will require more computation time. For Millisecond Mode Mission Plans, the smallest allowed value is 1 millisecond; for Nanosecond Mode Mission Plans, the smallest allowed value is 1 nanosecond. Please see the 'Interval Methods' and 'Timing Precision Modes' pages for more information.
Type: TimeSpan
Access: Read/Write
Units: s
Accuracy to which Interval Events are resolved. The default value is 0.100 seconds. Note: smaller values will require more computation time. Values apply to all Interval Event detections and may be changed at any point in the Mission Sequence. For Millisecond Mode Mission Plans, the smallest allowed value is 1 millisecond; for Nanosecond Mode Mission Plans, the smallest allowed value is 1 nanosecond. Please see the 'Interval Methods' and 'Timing Precision Modes' pages for more information.
Type: TimeSpan
Access: Read/Write
Units: s
The tolerance at which to stop light-time calculation bisection.
Type: TimeSpan
Access: Read/Write
Units: ns
Filename of the executing MissionPlan.
Type: String
Access: Read-Only
Fully qualified path of the executing MissionPlan. Includes trailing \.
Type: String
Access: Read-Only
The unique identifier for the object.
Type: Variable
Access: Read-Only
The type of the object.
Type: String
Access: Read-Only
The time-based tolerance used to determine whether a condition is true when evaluating the instantaneous form of stop-propagation properties and methods (for example, Spacecraft.OrbitApogee). If the current point in the orbit is within the stopping condition by an amount smaller than this value multiplied by the angular rate of the orbit, the evaluation will return true.
Type: TimeSpan
Access: Read/Write
Units: s
The platform FreeFlyer runs on, either Windows or Linux.
Type: Variable
Access: Read-Only
This property specifies the time tolerance used in bisecting a stopping condition associated with a step-to condition. When evaluating a stopping-condition the bisection will continue to iterate until the next step to take is less than this tolerance. Setting this tolerance to greater than a nanosecond can result in a less accurate evaluation of the stopping condition, but in cases where evaluation of the stopping condition is affected by noise caused by numerical precision limits at the nanosecond level, increasing this tolerance can provide greater stability.
Type: TimeSpan
Access: Read/Write
Units: s
0/1 Flag indicating whether or not to record the user-inputs into UserInterface panels to a log file.
Type: Variable
Access: Read/Write
Filename to use to retrieve inputs for UserInterface panels.
Type: String
Access: Read/Write
Action to take when there is a missing file name in the Input Response Filename.
Type: Variable
Access: Read/Write
Filename to use to record information about missing responses in the response input file.
Type: String
Access: Read/Write
Filename to use to output of the user-inputs into UserInterface panels.
Type: String
Access: Read/Write
This StringArray property allows the user to pass any data to FreeFlyer from the command line. The syntax for this command line option is: "FF.exe --user-info [string] --mission-plan [path to file]" or "FreeFlyer.exe --user-info [string] --mission-plan [path to file]". This option can be used multiple times in order to add multiple pieces of information. Only use this option with the --mission-plan option. Once data has been passed through the command line, each string can be accessed via: FF_Preferences.UserInfo[i], where "i" represents the string of interest.
Type: StringArray
Access: Read-Only
0/1 Flag indicating whether or not to override showing UserInterface panels, and instead retrieve the inputs from a pre-generated log file.
Type: Variable
Access: Read/Write