Return Value
LookAngleFrame.CalculateLookAngles(Spacecraft source, Array target, Variable lookAngle1, Variable lookAngle2)
Calculates the look angles for the calling LookAngleFrame to the target using the source as the position of the LookAngleFrame.
LookAngleFrame.CalculateLookAngles(Spacecraft source, CelestialObject target, Variable lookAngle1, Variable lookAngle2)
Calculates the look angles for the calling LookAngleFrame to the target using the source as the position of the LookAngleFrame.
LookAngleFrame.CalculateLookAngles(Spacecraft source, GroundStation target, Variable lookAngle1, Variable lookAngle2)
Calculates the look angles for the calling LookAngleFrame to the target using the source as the position of the LookAngleFrame.
LookAngleFrame.CalculateLookAngles(Spacecraft source, Spacecraft target, Variable lookAngle1, Variable lookAngle2)
Calculates the look angles for the calling LookAngleFrame to the target using the source as the position of the LookAngleFrame.
LookAngleFrame.CalculateLookAngles(Spacecraft source, Star target, Variable lookAngle1, Variable lookAngle2)
Calculates the look angles for the calling LookAngleFrame to the target using the source as the position of the LookAngleFrame.
LookAngleFrame.CalculateLookAngles(Spacecraft source, Vector target, Variable lookAngle1, Variable lookAngle2)
Calculates the look angles for the calling LookAngleFrame to the target using the source as the position of the LookAngleFrame.
LookAngleFrame.CalculateLookAngles(Spacecraft source, Array target, Variable lookAngle1, Variable lookAngle2, Array offset)
Calculates the look angles for the calling LookAngleFrame to the target using the source as the position of the LookAngleFrame.
LookAngleFrame.CalculateLookAngles(Spacecraft source, CelestialObject target, Variable lookAngle1, Variable lookAngle2, Array offset)
Calculates the look angles for the calling LookAngleFrame to the target using the source as the position of the LookAngleFrame.
LookAngleFrame.CalculateLookAngles(Spacecraft source, GroundStation target, Variable lookAngle1, Variable lookAngle2, Array offset)
Calculates the look angles for the calling LookAngleFrame to the target using the source as the position of the LookAngleFrame.
LookAngleFrame.CalculateLookAngles(Spacecraft source, Spacecraft target, Variable lookAngle1, Variable lookAngle2, Array offset)
Calculates the look angles for the calling LookAngleFrame to the target using the source as the position of the LookAngleFrame.
LookAngleFrame.CalculateLookAngles(Spacecraft source, Star target, Variable lookAngle1, Variable lookAngle2, Array offset)
Calculates the look angles for the calling LookAngleFrame to the target using the source as the position of the LookAngleFrame.
LookAngleFrame.CalculateLookAngles(Spacecraft source, Vector target, Variable lookAngle1, Variable lookAngle2, Array offset)
Calculates the look angles for the calling LookAngleFrame to the target using the source as the position of the LookAngleFrame.