AttitudeConvert Function

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Converts a vector between different Spacecraft attitude systems, and returns the results as an array.


Timing Precision Mode

This page describes functionality in millisecond timing precision mode. Millisecond timing precision mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. We recommend that you migrate your Mission Plans to nanosecond timing precision mode.

Click here to see the documentation for this object in nanosecond timing precision mode.


Overload List


Return Value


AttitudeConvert(Variable fromAttitude, Variable toAttitude, GroundVehicle referenceGroundVehicle, Array from3Vector)


Converts the from3Vector from the fromAttitude reference system to the toAttitude reference system, using referenceGroundVehicle as the reference GroundVehicle.

AttitudeConvert(Variable fromAttitude, Variable toAttitude, Spacecraft referenceSpacecraft, Array from3Vector)


Converts the from3Vector from the fromAttitude reference system to the toAttitude reference system, using referenceSpacecraft as the reference Spacecraft.


This overload should only be used to convert position vectors. To convert a velocity, be sure to use the overload that allows you to specify the conversion type as an additional argument.

AttitudeConvert(Variable fromAttitude, Variable toAttitude, Spacecraft referenceSpacecraft, Array from3or6Vector, Variable conversionType)


Converts the position or velocity components of from3or6Vector from the fromAttitude reference system to the toAttitude reference system, using referenceSpacecraft as the reference Spacecraft.


This overload allows you to specify whether to perform a position vector conversion or velocity vector conversion using the conversionType argument. Note that the BCS and Geodetic frames are not supported for velocity vector conversions.



See also


Attitude Reference Frames