EstimablePseudoRangeReceiverBias Object

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The EstimablePseudoRangeReceiverBias object holds information about how the measured range bias element of a GPSReceiver state is handled in the Orbit Determination / State Estimation process. This object is not creatable in script, but an estimable pseudorange receiver bias is always created as a child object of the MeasurementPseudorangeC1, MeasurementPseudorangeC2, MeasurementPseudorangeP1, and MeasurementPseudorangeP2 objects as seen in the example below:


(Spacecraft1.Receivers[0] AsType GPSReceiver).OD.PseudorangeObservation.C1.Bias.Sigma = 0.001;


Users cannot create instances of this type of object. However, users can access instances of this object type that have been created indirectly, for example as children of other objects. Users can also access any static properties and methods on this object type.


Inheritance Hierarchy: Object->EstimableProperty->EstimablePseudoRangeReceiverBias

Parent Object: MeasurementPseudorange


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Timing Precision Mode

This page describes functionality in millisecond timing precision mode. Millisecond timing precision mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. We recommend that you migrate your Mission Plans to nanosecond timing precision mode.

Click here to see the documentation for this object in nanosecond timing precision mode.






Deprecated Properties



See also

Orbit Determination Guide