Release Notes for FreeFlyer 6.6.1

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Issues Addressed in FreeFlyer 6.6.1

Orbit Determination

Fixed unit conversion for simulating GroundStation Azimuth and Elevation tracking data

Fixed SimulateTrackingData handling of Lunar Occultation

Can now simulate RangeRate data when propagating from an ephemeris

Fixed problem with defining Epoch explicitly for KalmanFilterOD

Fixed Solid Tide contribution calculation for Zero Tide geopotentials

Fixed issue with filtering past the end of a RinexNavFile

Fixed issue with Fixed Lag Smoother when in Fixed Interval mode

Fixed RinexObsFile SetNavigationConstellation and SetMeasuringReceiver methods

GroundAntenna Parent GroundStation is now set when GroundStation is created in FreeForm

Fixed issue with copying Spacecraft and non-diagonal covariance elements


Propagation and Maneuvering

Fixed error when reporting Spacecraft.Density with MSIS model

Fixed issue with updates to Spacecraft.LongAscendingNode

Fixed TEME (True Equator Mean Equinox) frame calculation

Height calculation generalized to work with any Celestial Object

Fixed issues Norad/SGP4 Propagators

Fixed calculation of Spherical Tank COG



Fixed Plot font sizes

Fixed issue with Legend getting cut off when exporting a Plot as an image

PlotWindow data culling with multiple series improved

DataTableWindows now show units in headers (as they did in FreeFlyer 6.0.2)

ActivateViewpoint(index) method fixed

Fixed issue with Tick Marks on Sensor View



Removed limits on number of characters when reading lines from files and other inputs

Namelist file no longer requires extra newline at end of file

Fixed issue with FF.exe cutting off decimal places for UI inputs

Fixed built-in Extension methods

Changes to a SQL command after first execution of the Call command are now handled

Fixed formatting with Report_TLE



Updated data files

Improvements to Help File, Sample Mission Plans, and Error Messages



See Also

Release History