RelativeMotionUtilities.ComputeStateHCW Method



Predicts the future position and velocity of a secondary Spacecraft by evaluating the HCW equations of motion.


Timing Precision Mode

This page describes functionality in millisecond timing precision mode. Millisecond timing precision mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. We recommend that you migrate your Mission Plans to nanosecond timing precision mode.

Click here to see the documentation for this object in nanosecond timing precision mode.


Overload List


Return Value


RelativeMotionUtilities.ComputeStateHCW(Array relativeSecondaryState, Variable primaryMeanMotion, Variable deltaT, Variable inputOutputSystem)


Predicts a future position and velocity by evaluating the HCW equations using the specified primary satellite mean motion, relative state vector of the secondary satellite in units of km and km/s, and time interval deltaT. This overload assumes the Earth is the central body. The inputOutputSystem argument specifies the coordinate system of both the input and output relative states. The HCW equations of motion will be propagated using the Cartesian relative state vector. The output state will be returned in units of km and km/s

RelativeMotionUtilities.ComputeStateHCW(Spacecraft secondarySC, Spacecraft primarySC, Variable deltaT, Variable inputOutputSystem)


Predicts the future position and velocity of the secondarySC by evaluating the HCW equations of motion using the specified primarySC and time interval deltaT. The HCW equations of motion will be propagated using the Cartesian relative state vector. The predicted relative state (position and velocity) will be returned in the specified outputSystem in units of km and km/s. Note that the epochs and central bodies of the secondarySC andprimarySC must match, and an error will be reported if they do not.

RelativeMotionUtilities.ComputeStateHCW(Array relativeSecondaryState, Variable primaryMeanMotion, Variable deltaT, Variable inputOutputSystem, Variable coordinateSetToPropagate)


Predicts a future position and velocity by evaluating the HCW equations using the specified primary satellite mean motion, relative state vector of the secondary satellite in units of km and km/s, and time interval deltaT. This overload assumes the Earth is the central body. The inputOutputSystem argument specifies the coordinate system of both the input and output relative states. The coordinateSetToPropagate argument is used to specify whether the HCW equations of motion are propagated using the Cartesian, RIC Cylindrical, or RIC Spherical relative state vector. The output state will be returned in units of km and km/s

RelativeMotionUtilities.ComputeStateHCW(Spacecraft secondarySC, Spacecraft primarySC, Variable deltaT, Variable inputOutputSystem, Variable coordinateSetToPropagate)


Predicts the future position and velocity of the secondarySC by evaluating the HCW equations of motion using the specified primarySC and time interval deltaT. The coordinateSetToPropagate argument is used to specify whether the HCW equations of motion are propagated using the Cartesian, RIC Cylindrical, or RIC Spherical relative state vector. The predicted relative state (position and velocity) will be returned in the specified outputSystem in units of km and km/s. Note that the epochs and central bodies of the secondarySC and primarySC must match, and an error will be reported if they do not.



See also

RelativeMotionUtilities Object