Preferences.UserInfo Property



This StringArray property allows the user to pass any data to FreeFlyer from the command line. The syntax for this command line option is: "FF.exe --user-info [string] --mission-plan [path to file]" or "FreeFlyer.exe --user-info [string] --mission-plan [path to file]". This option can be used multiple times in order to add multiple pieces of information. Only use this option with the --mission-plan option. Once data has been passed through the command line, each string can be accessed via: FF_Preferences.UserInfo[i], where "i" represents the string of interest.


Timing Precision Mode

This page describes functionality in millisecond timing precision mode. Millisecond timing precision mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. We recommend that you migrate your Mission Plans to nanosecond timing precision mode.

Click here to see the documentation for this object in nanosecond timing precision mode.




Array of string





myString1 = FF_Preferences.UserInfo[0];


See also

Preferences Object

FreeFlyer Configuration Guide

Interval Methods Guide