Plate.ConfigureCircularShape Method



Configures this Plate with a circular shape. The Plate will be a circle with the specified radius. The center of the plate will be located at the specified centerPosition in the Spacecraft's body coordinate system. The plate's orientation is specified using the normal argument. The numberOfSegments argument controls how many triangles are used to approximate the circular shape.


You must set the Spacecraft's ForceModel.SRPForceGeometry to "PlateModel" for this to have an effect.


Timing Precision Mode

This page describes functionality in millisecond timing precision mode. Millisecond timing precision mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. We recommend that you migrate your Mission Plans to nanosecond timing precision mode.

Click here to see the documentation for this object in nanosecond timing precision mode.


Overload List


Return Value


Plate.ConfigureCircularShape(Variable radius, Variable numberOfSegments, Array centerPosition, Array normal)


Configures this Plate with a circular shape. The Plate will be a circle with the specified radius. The center of the plate will be located at the specified centerPosition in the Spacecraft's body coordinate system. The plate's orientation is specified using the normal argument. The numberOfSegments argument controls how many triangles are used to approximate the circular shape.


You must set the Spacecraft's ForceModel.SRPForceGeometry to "PlateModel" for this to have an effect.

Plate.ConfigureCircularShape(Variable radius, Variable numberOfSegments, Array centerPosition, Array direction1, Array direction2)


Configures this Plate with a circular shape. The Plate will be a circle with the specified radius. The center of the plate will be located at the specified centerPosition in the Spacecraft's body coordinate system. The direction1 and direction2 array arguments specify the plane that the circle lies in. The numberOfSegments argument controls how many triangles are used to approximate the circular shape.


You must set the Spacecraft's ForceModel.SRPForceGeometry to "PlateModel" for this to have an effect.



See also

Plate Object