HCW.SetReferenceOrbit Method



Sets the reference orbit of the calling HCW propagator. The reference orbit will be propagated with a two body (Keplerian) propagator when this Spacecraft is stepped.


Timing Precision Mode

This page describes functionality in nanosecond timing precision mode.

Click here to see the documentation for this object in millisecond timing precision mode.


Overload List


Return Value


HCW.SetReferenceOrbit(Array referenceOrbit)


Sets the reference orbit of the HCW propagator using the specified Keplerian orbital elements (A, E, I, RAAN, W, TA) with respect to the ICRF. The reference orbit will be propagated with a two body (Keplerian) propagator when this Spacecraft is stepped.

HCW.SetReferenceOrbit(Spacecraft referenceSpacecraft)


Sets the reference orbit of the HCW propagator by copying the current Keplerian state from the specified referenceSpacecraft. The reference orbit will be propagated with a two body (Keplerian) propagator when this Spacecraft is stepped.

HCW.SetReferenceOrbit(Array referenceOrbit, TimeSpan referenceEpoch)


Sets the reference orbit of the HCW propagator using the specified Keplerian orbital elements (A, E, I, RAAN, W, TA) with respect to the ICRF. The reference orbit will be propagated with a two body (Keplerian) propagator when this Spacecraft is stepped. The epoch argument is optional; in the event that an epoch is not provided, the referenceOrbit will use the calling Spacecraft's epoch.



See also

HCW Object