GroundStation.InShadow Method



Returns an integer value indicating whether the GroundStation is in shadow. A value of 1 is returned when the GroundStation is in shadow, and a 0 is returned if it is not. If the GroundStation is below the surface, it will be treated as if it is on the surface.


Timing Precision Mode

This page describes functionality in millisecond timing precision mode. Millisecond timing precision mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. We recommend that you migrate your Mission Plans to nanosecond timing precision mode.

Click here to see the documentation for this object in nanosecond timing precision mode.


Overload List


Return Value


GroundStation.InShadow(Variable epoch)


Returns true if the calling GroundStation is in shadow at the specified epoch. Only the GroundStation's CentralBody will be considered in shadow calculations.

GroundStation.InShadow(Variable epoch, CelestialObject occultingCelestialObject)


Returns true if the calling GroundStation is in shadow of any of the specified CelestialObject objects at the specified epoch.

GroundStation.InShadow(Variable epoch, Variable occultingBodyID)


Returns true if the calling GroundStation is in shadow of any of the CelestialObjects specified by their BodyID at the specified Epoch.



See also

GroundStation Object

Coverage and Contact Analysis Guide

GroundStations Guide