BlockageDiagram.LineOfSight Method



Determines if the source can see the target using the loaded blockage diagram. The source's body-fixed frame defines the base for the blockage diagram look angle frame orientation.


Timing Precision Mode

This page describes functionality in millisecond timing precision mode. Millisecond timing precision mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. We recommend that you migrate your Mission Plans to nanosecond timing precision mode.

Click here to see the documentation for this object in nanosecond timing precision mode.


Overload List


Return Value


BlockageDiagram.LineOfSight(Spacecraft source, Array target)


Determines if the source Spacecraft can see the target specified in the ICRF using the loaded blockage diagram. The source's body-fixed frame defines the base for the blockage diagram look angle frame orientation. No occultations are considered.

BlockageDiagram.LineOfSight(Spacecraft source, CelestialObject target)


Determines if the source Spacecraft can see the target CelestialObject using the loaded blockage diagram. The source's body-fixed frame defines the base for the blockage diagram look angle frame orientation. No occultations are considered.

BlockageDiagram.LineOfSight(Spacecraft source, GroundStation target)


Determines if the source Spacecraft can see the target GroundStation using the loaded blockage diagram. The source's body-fixed frame defines the base for the blockage diagram look angle frame orientation. No occultations are considered.

BlockageDiagram.LineOfSight(Spacecraft source, Spacecraft target)


Determines if the source Spacecraft can see the target Spacecraft using the loaded blockage diagram. The source's body-fixed frame defines the base for the blockage diagram look angle frame orientation. No occultations are considered.

BlockageDiagram.LineOfSight(Spacecraft source, Star target)


Determines if the source Spacecraft can see the target Star using the loaded blockage diagram. The source's body-fixed frame defines the base for the blockage diagram look angle frame orientation. No occultations are considered.

BlockageDiagram.LineOfSight(Spacecraft source, Vector target)


Determines if the source Spacecraft can see the target vector in the ICRF using the loaded blockage diagram. The source's body-fixed frame defines the base for the blockage diagram look angle frame orientation. No occultations are considered.

BlockageDiagram.LineOfSight(Spacecraft source, Array target, Array occultingBodies)


Determines if the source Spacecraft can see the target specified in the ICRF using the loaded blockage diagram. The source's body-fixed frame defines the base for the blockage diagram look angle frame orientation. The specified occulting bodies are also considered.

BlockageDiagram.LineOfSight(Spacecraft source, CelestialObject target, Array occultingBodies)


Determines if the source Spacecraft can see the target CelestialObject using the loaded blockage diagram. The source's body-fixed frame defines the base for the blockage diagram look angle frame orientation. The specified occulting bodies are also considered.

BlockageDiagram.LineOfSight(Spacecraft source, GroundStation target, Array occultingBodies)


Determines if the source Spacecraft can see the target GroundStation using the loaded blockage diagram. The source's body-fixed frame defines the base for the blockage diagram look angle frame orientation. The specified occulting bodies are also considered.

BlockageDiagram.LineOfSight(Spacecraft source, Spacecraft target, Array occultingBodies)


Determines if the source Spacecraft can see the target Spacecraft using the loaded blockage diagram. The source's body-fixed frame defines the base for the blockage diagram look angle frame orientation. The specified occulting bodies are also considered.

BlockageDiagram.LineOfSight(Spacecraft source, Star target, Array occultingBodies)


Determines if the source Spacecraft can see the target Star using the loaded blockage diagram. The source's body-fixed frame defines the base for the blockage diagram look angle frame orientation. The specified occulting bodies are also considered.

BlockageDiagram.LineOfSight(Spacecraft source, Vector target, Array occultingBodies)


Determines if the source Spacecraft can see the target vector in the ICRF using the loaded blockage diagram. The source's body-fixed frame defines the base for the blockage diagram look angle frame orientation. The specified occulting bodies are also considered.



See also

BlockageDiagram Object

Blockage Diagram Viewpoints Guide

Coverage and Contact Analysis Guide

Blockage Diagrams Guide