String.Match(String) Method



Returns the number of regular expression matches between the calling String and the specified String argument. In order to return a match, the String argument must match the entire string - this can be accomplished using regular expressions. A successful pattern match always returns >= 1, where multiple matches come from user specified groupings.


Regular Expressions



Returns any character except \n (line feed), \r (carriage return)


Returns either the first or second item, can be strung together


Returns the previous item exactly n times; n>=1


Returns the previous item at least n times, looks first for most matches possible; n>=0


Returns the previous item starting with m times before reducing repetition to n times; n>=0, m>=n


Matches group (...) if found {n} number of times, if n = 1, {n} is not needed


Matches a single character out of all possibilities offered, special characters will need an escape sequence

[ - ]

Hyphen indicates a range of characters, numbers to match; specifies a hyphen if immediately after [

[^ ]

Returns any character except those indicated within brackets


Indicates an escape sequence to suppress special characters


Matches the characters between \Q and \E literally, suppressing the meaning of special characters


Matches any decimal digits, can be used inside [...]


Matches any word character, can be used inside [...]


Matches any whitespace, can be used inside [...]


Matches a character that is not a digit, can be used inside [...]


Matches a character that is not a word character, can be used inside [...]


Matches a character that is not a whitespace, can be used inside [...]


Matches a line feed


Matches a tab


0 or more of previous expression


1 or more of previous expression


0 or 1 of previous expression



Timing Precision Mode

This page describes functionality in millisecond timing precision mode. Millisecond timing precision mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. We recommend that you migrate your Mission Plans to nanosecond timing precision mode.

Click here to see the documentation for this object in nanosecond timing precision mode.


Method Signature


String regularExpression)






A regular expression that defines the pattern to match against.




Return Value





Returns the number of regular expression matches between the calling String and the regular expression specified by regularExpression.



myVariable1 = myString1.Match(myString2);



See also

String Object


Parsing Dates and Times

Parsing Arbitrary String Data

Parsing Arbitrary String Data