SpacecraftCovariance.MapErrorEllipsoid(ProximityZone, Variable) Method



Determines the orientation and size of the Error Ellipsoid by calculating the Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of the 3x3 position Covariance.


The probability that a random 3-dimensional vector is inside a k-sigma iso-probability ellipsoid is:





This is different from evaluating the probability of a single component of a 3-dimensional vector given the uncertainty in the axis of that component (which follows the typical 1-dimensional Gaussian form). The k-sigma values for traditional confidence intervals, including those related to 1, 2, and 3 sigma values, are given in the k-sigma description below.


(1)Gersten, R.H. and Gura, I.A., On Analysis of N-Dimensional Normal Probabilities, Defense Technical Information Center, 1970.


Timing Precision Mode

This page describes functionality in millisecond timing precision mode. Millisecond timing precision mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. We recommend that you migrate your Mission Plans to nanosecond timing precision mode.

Click here to see the documentation for this object in nanosecond timing precision mode.


Method Signature


ProximityZone zone,

Variable kSigmaValue)






A ProximityZone to visualize the Error Ellipse.





A Variable indicating the k-sigma values to calculate. Common values: 1.878 for 68% confidence, 2.501 for 90% confidence, 2.833 for 95% confidence, 3.763 for 99.7% confidence.

Valid Range:

kSigmaValue > 0





mySpacecraftCovariance1.MapErrorEllipsoid(myProximityZone1, myVariable1);



See also

SpacecraftCovariance Object


Orbit Determination Guide