Spacecraft.PenumbralShadowTimes(CelestialObject, Array, Array) Method



Determines the entry time, exit time, and duration of a Spacecraft's pass through the shadow of the central body specified by celestialObject.


The shadow times are determined using a conical shadow. The three regions of the Spacecraft's central body's shadow, the umbra, penumbra, and annular, are shown in the diagram below. Events are reported for prenumbral shadow conditions only.


The three regions of the Spacecraft's central body's shadow.

The three regions of the Spacecraft's central body's shadow.


Note: This method uses a spherical model for the occulting body. Use the options available in the VisibilityCalculator to exercise more control over the analysis.


Timing Precision Mode

This page describes functionality in millisecond timing precision mode. Millisecond timing precision mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. We recommend that you migrate your Mission Plans to nanosecond timing precision mode.

Click here to see the documentation for this object in nanosecond timing precision mode.


Note: This is an interval method. See the Interval Methods page for more information.

Note: This method has a state. See the Methods and Properties with State page for more information.


Method Signature


CelestialObject celestialObject,

Array EventTime,

Array EventType)






CelestialObject to use as the occulting body.





The time that the event occurred.


The FF_Preferences.IntervalEventReportingBehavior property controls whether the start of propagation is reported as an event. By default, if the time in shadow starts before the beginning of the propagation span, FreeFlyer will label the start of the propagation as the start of the time in shadow.





The type of the event that occurred. Event type == 201 is entry into penumbral shadow. Event type == 202 is exit from penumbral shadow.




Return Value





Returns the number of elements filled into EventType and EventTime arrays.



myVariable1 = mySpacecraft1.PenumbralShadowTimes(myCelestialObject1, myArray1, myArray2);



See also

Spacecraft Object


Spacecraft Propagation Guide

Coverage and Contact Analysis Guide