Spacecraft.PassData(GroundStation) Method



Returns a formatted string which can be reported to an output file using the Report command. For each contact period, the content of the information is presented in two parts, Summary and Detailed. The Summary, which is provided first, includes Acquisition of Signal (AOS), Loss of Signal (LOS), the duration of the contact, and the maximum elevation of the contact. The Detailed section is presented in tabular form and provides the Epoch of each data point, and the Azimuth, Elevation, Range, and Range Rate of the Spacecraft with respect to the GroundStation. The detailed information is written to the table at the frequency of the propagation step size during the contact period.


The returned dates are in the Gregorian time format of Mmm DD YYYY HH:MM:SS.SSS(SSSSSS), where Mmm stands for the first three letters of the month; DD stands for the day of month; YYYY stands for the 4-digit year; and HH:MM:SS.SSS(SSSSSS) refers to hours, minutes, and seconds to to the highest accuracy available based on the timing precision mode. The azimuth and elevation angles are in degrees, the duration is in minutes, the range is in kilometers, and the range rate is in kilometers per second.


The PassData method will account for refraction if refraction modeling is turned on using the GroundStation.RefractionModelType property.


Timing Precision Mode

This page describes functionality in nanosecond timing precision mode.

Click here to see the documentation for this object in millisecond timing precision mode.


Note: This is an interval method. See the Interval Methods page for more information.

Note: This method has a state. See the Methods and Properties with State page for more information.


Method Signature


GroundStation groundStation)






The GroundStation to be used in the calculation.




Return Value





Returns AOS and LOS times, duration, and maximum elevation of the Spacecraft's pass.


The FF_Preferences.IntervalEventReportingBehavior property controls whether the start and end of propagation are reported as events. By default, if the pass starts before the beginning of the propagation span, FreeFlyer will label the start of the propagation as the start of the pass. If the pass extends past the end of the propagation span, FreeFlyer labels the end of propagation as the end of the pass.



myString1 = mySpacecraft1.PassData(myGroundStation1);



See also

Spacecraft Object


Spacecraft Propagation Guide

Coverage and Contact Analysis Guide