Spacecraft.Contact Method



Returns a value of 1 when the argument is in contact and a value of 0 if no contact is available with the Spacecraft.


Timing Precision Mode

This page describes functionality in millisecond timing precision mode. Millisecond timing precision mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. We recommend that you migrate your Mission Plans to nanosecond timing precision mode.

Click here to see the documentation for this object in nanosecond timing precision mode.


Overload List


Return Value


Spacecraft.Contact(Array coneDefinition)


If the calling Spacecraft is within a cone defined by the latitude, longitude, height, and elevation angle in the coneDefinition Array, contact occurs.

Spacecraft.Contact(GroundStation contactingGroundStation)


If the contactingGroundStation can "see" the calling Spacecraft, contact occurs. Does not depend on whether or not the Spacecraft Sensor is in contact with Spacecraft.


The Contact method only accounts for the GroundStation's central body for occultation. The Contact method will account for refraction if refraction modeling is turned on using the GroundStation.RefractionModelType property.

Spacecraft.Contact(PointGroup coneDefinition)


If the calling Spacecraft is within a cone defined by the latitude, longitude, height, and elevation angle of the first point in the coneDefinition PointGroup, contact occurs. Only the first point in the PointGroup is used for this analysis.

Spacecraft.Contact(Region contactingRegion)


If the subsatellite point of the calling Spacecraft is within contactingRegion, contact occurs.

Spacecraft.Contact(Spacecraft contactingSpacecraft)


If contactingSpacecraft has no Sensors, then contact occurs when there is a line of sight between contactingSpacecraft and the calling Spacecraft. If contactingSpacecraft has Sensors, contact occurs when one of those Sensors can "see" the calling Spacecraft.

Spacecraft.Contact(Spacecraft parentSpacecraft, Sensor contactingSensor)


If contactingSensor can "see" the calling Spacecraft, contact occurs.



See also

Spacecraft Object

Spacecraft Propagation Guide

Coverage and Contact Analysis Guide