PhaseCollocationOptions.RefineMesh(Variable, Variable) Method



Inserts TrajectoryNodes in areas of the TrajectoryPhase where dynamical error is detected. TrajectoryNodes will also be removed in areas where dynamical accuracy is excessive. If no dynamical error is detected that violates the 'CollocationOptions.RelativeErrorTolerance' property, then no nodes will be added. Dynamical error is computed by comparing the TrajectoryPhase path to the results of explicit integration using the RK89 propagator.


Timing Precision Mode

This page describes functionality in millisecond timing precision mode. Millisecond timing precision mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. We recommend that you migrate your Mission Plans to nanosecond timing precision mode.

Click here to see the documentation for this object in nanosecond timing precision mode.


Method Signature


Variable nodeInsertionAggressiveness,

Variable nodeRemovelAggressiveness)






The aggressiveness with which to insert nodes. Higher values result in more nodes being inserted in areas where dynamical error is detected. This argument is an integer parameter. When the parameter is zero, nodes will not be inserted.

Valid Range:

nodeInsertionAggressiveness ≥ 0





The aggressiveness with which to remove nodes. Higher values result in more nodes being removed in areas where dynamical accuracy is excessive. This argument is an integer parameter. When the parameter is zero, nodes will not be removed.

Valid Range:

nodeRemovelAggressiveness ≥ 0




Return Value





The net number of TrajectoryNodes added. A negative number indicates that the number of removed TrajectoryNodes was greater than the number of added TrajectoryNodes.



myVariable1 = myPhaseCollocationOptions1.RefineMesh(myVariable2, myVariable3);



See also

PhaseCollocationOptions Object