ForceModel.SolidTideFilename Property



Specifies the Solid Tide Love Number data files' paths and names for modeling the solid tide effects on the gravity field. If no file is specified ("DEFAULT"), then the file specified in Project Preferences for Love Number File will be used.


The array has a default dimension of 11 with the following elements:

[0] = Mercury

[1] = Venus

[2] = Earth

[3] = Mars

[4] = Jupiter

[5] = Saturn

[6] = Uranus

[7] = Neptune

[8] = Pluto

[9] = Moon

[10] = Sun


Timing Precision Mode

This page describes functionality in millisecond timing precision mode. Millisecond timing precision mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. We recommend that you migrate your Mission Plans to nanosecond timing precision mode.

Click here to see the documentation for this object in nanosecond timing precision mode.




Array of string



Default Value:

{ "", "", ..."", "" }



myString1 = myForceModel1.SolidTideFilename[0];


myForceModel1.SolidTideFilename[0] = myString1;


See also

ForceModel Object

Setting up a Force Model