FFEphemProperties.AddColumn(String, String) Method



Adds a new column to the ephemeris with the specified column label that will be interpolated using the '5th Order Spline' interpolator and with 'spacecraftProperty' as the associated mapped Spacecraft object property.


If mapping a 'spacecraftProperty' representing an orbital element, use caution in mapping orbital elements from different element sets into one Ephemeris object; doing so may cause unexpected behavior when propagating the Spacecraft. For example, if the Keplerian true anomaly is mapped to the ephemeris along with the Cartesian position and velocity, the Keplerian true anomaly will be written into the Spacecraft after the position and velocity elements. In this particular case, writing the Keplerian true anomaly may adjust the Spacecraft's position and velocity, resulting in a slightly different state than the original position and velocity.


Timing Precision Mode

This page describes functionality in nanosecond timing precision mode.

Click here to see the documentation for this object in millisecond timing precision mode.


Method Signature


String columnLabel,

String spacecraftProperty)






The label that will be used for the newly added column.





The writeable Spacecraft property that the information will be put into when the ephemeris containing the new column is used as a propagator for a Spacecraft. Furthermore, this Spacecraft property will be automatically written to the ephemeris when the Put command is called.




Return Value





Returns the number of columns in the ephemeris after the new column is added.



myVariable1 = myFFEphemProperties1.AddColumn(myString1, myString2);



See also

FFEphemProperties Object


Working with Ephemerides