BatchLeastSquaresOD.SolutionDampingOption Property



The options for damping the convergence of the solution.


The Levenburg-Marquardt damping method uses the SolutionDampingFactorDecrease, and SolutionDampingFactorIncrease properties to scale the SolutionDampingFactor based on the SolutionDampingRho and SolutionDampingRhoTolerance properties in order to improve the convergence of the Batch Least Squares solution. Rho is a quality factor to quantify the quality of the state update compared to the pre-state update. A larger Rho corresponds to a higher quality state update. If Rho is large compared to RhoTolerance, the Factor will be scaled down by a factor of FactorDecrease. If Rho is less than the RhoTolerance, the Factor will be scaled up by a factor of FactorIncrease.


The Quadratic damping method is the more robust, but slower method of the two. It uses the SolutionDampingFactor and SolutionDampingAlpha properties based on the SolutionDampingRho and SolutionDampingRhoTolerance properties in order to improve the convergence of the Batch Least Squares solution. Similar to the Levenburg-Marquardt method, the Quadratic damping method uses Rho depending on RhoTolerance to scale the Factor or not. However, the amount the Factor is scaled is determined by Alpha instead of the FactorDecrease and FactorIncrease properties. In the Quadratic damping method the Factor is only scaled if Rho is below RhoTolerance.


Timing Precision Mode

This page describes functionality in millisecond timing precision mode. Millisecond timing precision mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. We recommend that you migrate your Mission Plans to nanosecond timing precision mode.

Click here to see the documentation for this object in nanosecond timing precision mode.







Default Value:

0 ( Do not use Solution Damping )

Valid Values:




Do not use Solution Damping


Use Levenberg-Marquardt Damping


Use Quadratic Damping



myVariable1 = myBatchLeastSquaresOD1.SolutionDampingOption;


myBatchLeastSquaresOD1.SolutionDampingOption = myVariable1;


See also

BatchLeastSquaresOD Object

Setting up Batch Least Squares

Orbit Determination Guide